“Nature is the source of all true knowledge.

It has its logic, its laws, it has no effect without cause or invention without necessity.” 

Leonardo da Vinci


The first step is creating valuable connections: Isofia hosts some Telegram groups aimed at the exchange of information, knowledge, visions, projects, and experiences. 

This is the open door to our community, where we meet and start knowing each other, triggering individual and collective awareness paths.

Ask to be invited and join the beautiful Isofia people! 

Weekly Events

Every week Isofia hosts regular online meetings, where representatives of interesting projects are invited to present their experiences.

Every meeting hosts 1 or 2 projects, and participants will be able to directly ask questions and contact presenters. Economy, energy, sovereignty, spirituality, art: many interesting topics are presented and discussed every week.

Check the events calendar [link] and register to participate for free in our events.


Isofia organizes frequent live meetings where people from online groups and events will gather and work together. Meetings and workshops usually last 2 or 3 days and are held in dedicated venues surrounded by nature and soaked by energy. Workgroups and discussions in these laboratories are often the starting point for new projects and collaborations.

Support the MEEP Project

To realize ISOFIA MEEP we have stages to go through for which we need financial support and / or exchanges of services, from all those who believe in the need to create new places of study and educational and professional development.