- Questo evento è passato.
23 Novembre, 2022 @ 20:00 - 22:00 CET
Wednesday, 23rd November 2022
8PM – 10PM
Switzerland time
Link at the bottom of the page
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Dear Friends,
We are very happy to present you a special guest, who by this meeting will put aside completely his high professional competence, to share what deeply animates him and gives him that serenity and inner well-being to face with more balance, clarity, discernment and strength the present challenges. Listening to it will make us reflect how each of us in our daily lives, can help ourselves to live the current situation not by reacting but by acting in health and well-being for the good of all.
Jean Pierre Joseph will lead us on the path of the energy breath. The regular practice of certain physical and respiratory exercises contained, in particular, in traditional martial arts, allows the human being (whatever his age or his physical condition) to discover and set in motion a form of energy called “Ki” in Japanese, or “Chi” or “Ji” in Chinese.Although this energy is invisible, its existence can no longer be disputed today by the scientific world, which has even managed to visualise it thanks to modern photographic processes.
The “Ki” has mechanical, thermal, and therapeutic effects, in the sense that it makes it possible to resist aggressions without using its muscular strength, to resist the cold and the disease.
The “Ki” could have common points with the energetic phenomena that have been observed in many buildings with very precise orientations and proportions (pyramids, temples, ancient churches, etc…)
Jean-Pierre JOSEPH, exempted from physical education for a large part of his schooling, due to poor health, discovered martial arts as an adult, which he teaches voluntarily in the evening after his professional activity. (he is a lawyer at the GRENOBLE Bar, and author of several books related to health and the environment). He is currently a federal instructor of Shotokai karate (a little-known form of energy karate, accessible to all), he is 5°dan black belt, and a federal judge of grades. Just like most of the practitioners of his discipline, in more than 50 years of professional practice, he has not been the subject of a single day of sick leave.
Thank you for your participation!
Warmly hug
Meeting-ID: 841 4200 4562
Kenncode: 116959